Loquate’s Award “America’s Best Community Builders©” goes to Fr. Peter Gnoinski and St. Ferdinand’s Church in (Chicago IL) as “Best Sense of Community©” in Illinois – 2024.
By: Jeff Liautaud on February 6, 2025 | Filed in: “Best Sense of Community©”
Summary: This Ethnic Diversity Award is for top sense of community in Illinois for 2024 awarded to one of “America’s best community builders©.” Each year this most precious Award is granted to that outreach that best builds Sense of Community. Smart® habits satisfy innate needs of ourself and all those around us. That is where sense of community comes from.
“Building a sense of community including all can never be repaid. It is a joining together of that which you value the most for the common good. So my nonprofit charity Loquate applauds America’s Best Community Builders.”… said Jeff Liautaud Founder of Loquate.
The Award Recipient receives 5 optional scholarships to Loquate coursework to be distributed by the award recipient to any individual of their choice who receives a Smart® Certificate in 6 hours by zoom and becomes a Smart® Ambassador of Community.
Loquate is a charity for peace on earth. Loquate’s process is Recommended to all Pastors of the Catholic Church yet is universal for all mankind. Expect wellbeing.
When spotlighted wellbeing that comes from satisfying innate needs builds sense of community. Over 600,000 academic research articles have exploded since 2017 citing innate needs discovered by Deci and Ryan where Ryan finds “Remarkable Convergence“ with Primary Values discovered by Loquate and Innate Needs. Certificates increase awareness.
Fr. Peter Gnoinski has been the Spiritual Advisor to Jeff Liautaud and Loquate until he became Pastor of St. Ferdinand’s Parish in Chicago IL. His tireless service does not remove his constant smile, sense of peace, and inspired sermons. Here is a miracle photograph he took in Eucharistic Adoration.
Jeff continues: “Delivering extreme value is my goal as President of my non-profit charity Loquate. Loquate seeks to be the home of, by, and for ‘America’s Best Community Builders Builders©.’”
“My precious Loquate seeks to bring interfaith peace on earth one small Smart® group at a time.”..continued Jeff. “Loquate is a flat group with no hierarchy. Scholarships awarded are a way to pay attention to your community builders. Everyone wants to be discovered as a Smart® Ambassador of Community. When the spotlight of attention falls on wellbeing the afterglow is hugely reinforcing. Each scholarship is like ceding a cloud for rainfall. As a critical mass forms you know your sense of community will grow in the spotlight of sunshine/attention.”