
The Economics of Wellbeing – Measuring the S in ESG

By: Jeff Liautaud on January 12, 2025 | Filed in: ambassadors|ambassadors of community|ESG Economics of S

Volunteers on their own time not company time build sense of community.  It throws the spotlight of attention on America’s Best Community Builders.

Everyone wants to be discovered as a Smart® Ambassador of Community. When the spotlight of attention falls on wellbeing the afterglow is hugely reinforcing. Loquate’s Turnkey for organizations does this at

zero fixed cost.

Loquate Scholarships awarded by your organization are a

variable cost.

Any organization may award as many scholarships as they believe might be helpful. For example assuming 10 scholarships are granted each year at your cost of $100 per scholarship for 3 years, that would amount to a variable cost to the organization of $3,000 ($100/ per scholarship x 10 scholarships/ year x 3 years = arbitrarily $3,000). Each scholarship is like ceding a cloud for rainfall. As a critical mass forms you know your sense of community will grow in the spotlight of sunshine/attention.

It works like this.

  1. All services provided to employees are on employees’ own time not at work.
  2. In the above example $3,000 becomes an initial organization outlay or variable cost. 
  3. Loquate’s regular cost to enroll is $200 or whatever the participant can afford. The organization gets a $100 discount on $200. So its cost per scholarship is $100.
  4. Participants learn Loquate’s Smart® process to satisfy innate needs. They meet by Zoom live with a peer mentor for three 2 hour sessions. Autonomous small Smart® groups are formed each with its own autonomous outreach for the common good which builds a sense of community.
  5. Peer mentors receive $100 for Smart® Certificates they deliver to their  Smart® Ambassadors of Community, which is equal to the scholarship amount paid by your organization. Loquate receives no part of your scholarship amount but builds sense of community by satisfying innate needs and as a charity accepts general donations.
  6. Makes where you work, a best place to work. Makes where you live, a best place to live. Brings peace on earth one Smart® group at a time.
  7. Loquate is the home of, by, and for “America’s Best Community Builders.” And it gets even better for organizations.
  8. Optionally measuring an organization’s social responsibility relative to itself is included without charge as a Turnkey overlay. By overlay is meant that use of the statistical measurements is optional. So your decision to participate is easy to make.
  9. The Turnkey overlay measures a global outcome, not things like diversity, income equality, workplace injury rates, philanthropy, and labor practices of suppliers. Keep what you have and add Loquate’s overlay. Measure wellbeing and sense of community directly at 4 points through the Turnkey overlay.
  10. Sense of Community is a proxy for measuring the S in ESG. The economics of measuring the S in ESG is unsurpassed in the Turnkey overlay.

Return to or if you want more information for your organization, contact Jeff Liautaud founder of Loquate at or schedule a meeting using our 1 on 1 Meeting Signup. At the scheduled time call Jeff at 773-621-0863.


The home of, by and for “America’s Best Community Builders.”



The greater the organization’s sense of community,
the greater the outreach of its brand in wellbeing.