The Economics of Wellbeing – Measuring the S in ESG

By: Jeff Liautaud | October 28, 2024 | Filed in: Uncategorized

The Loquate Turnkey is a universal opportunity for its Sponsors and their stakeholders.  If the Sponsor is a charity, church, educator or  similar organization, the Loquate turnkey would be used more like a fundraising opportunity for the organization while building community.

If the Loquate Turnkey is used by a for profit corporation like a business, a twofold opportunity exists: brand enhancement and charitable outreach on a break even basis.  This means a time horizon of three years could involve payback of initial investment.  Thereafter all further benefits go to the participating community outreach.

It works like this. First a Corporation like a business would benefit as shown below under the following assumptions:

  1. Cost to enroll is $200 or whatever the participant can afford. All services provided to employees are on employees’ own time not at work.
  2. 1650 employees at one location. Results are for that location. Other locations may show similar results. Per participant $100 cost from Corporation becomes an initial Corporation outlay.
  3. 500 non employee stakeholder participants come from the community, including friends of participants. Per participant $100 cost from Corporation also becomes an initial Corporation outlay.
  4. Small groups are formed called Smart® groups of 4-8 participants. Smart® is a registered trademark of Loquate in International Class 045.
  5. Participants learnour Smart® process to satisfy innate needs. Meet by Zoom live with a peer mentor for three 2 hour sessions. Makes where you work, a best place to work. Makes where you live, a best place to live.
  6. The average cost per participant after Loquate, a charity, discounts its services for those who are unable to afford initial participant outlay, even with the $100 Corporation outlay, is $175.
  7. Measuring socially responsible organizations with our overlay is included in the Turnkey package. The overlay measures a global outcome, not things like diversity, income equality, workplace injury rates, philanthropy, and labor practices of suppliers. The supplemental overlay measures wellbeing and sense of community directly at 4 points through the Turnkey package.
  8. The economics of measuring the S in ESG is potentially unsurpassed in the Loquate Turnkey.

The greater the organization’s sense of community,
the greater the outreach of its brand in wellbeing.

9. In the second and third years, all training is  volunteer on their own time, never on work paid time.

    1. The corporation receives $44,625, which is equivalent to its total Corporation outlay to date ended third year, for a breakeven.
    2. Loquate makes each Smart® group autonomous with its own defining outreach to make the world a better place to live. The outreach and trainers receive $217,875 to be split as the Organization so decides.
    3. Loquate a charity for peace receives $86,375.

If you are not a business, but are a charity or organization like a University or Church Congregation you would benefit as shown below under the following assumptions:

  1. Cost to enroll is $200 or whatever the participant can afford. All services provided to employees are on employees’ own time not at work.
  2. 300 employees at one location. Results are for that location. Other locations may show similar results. Per participant $100 cost from Organization becomes an initial Organization outlay.
  3. 1000 non employee stakeholder participants come from the community, including friends of participants. Per participant $100 cost from the Organization also becomes an initial Organization outlay.
  4. Small groups are formed called Smart® groups of 4-8 participants. Smart® is a registered trademark of Loquate in International Class 045.
  5. The average cost per participant after Loquate, a charity, discounts its services for those who are unable to afford initial participant outlay, even with the $100 Corporation outlay, is $175.
  6. In the second and third years, all training is volunteer on their own time, never on work paid time. Results for all 3 years combined.
    1. The Organization receives $104,438.
    2. Loquate makes each Smart® group autonomous with its own defining outreach to make the world a better place to live. The outreach and trainers receive $131,250 to be split as the Organization so decides.
    3. Loquate a charity for peace receives $86,375.

Return to or if you want more information for your organization, contact Jeff Liautaud founder of Loquate at or schedule a meeting using our 1 on 1 Meeting Signup. At the scheduled time call Jeff at 773-621-0863.


We help organizations build community